Huwebes, Hulyo 7, 2011

Sad story always happen

My storys might not be as bad as some peoples on here but it is bad enough to make me cry myself to sleep sometimes
my mum and dad are divorced i used to wait for hours upon hours waiting to be picked up by my dad and sometimes he never came he didnt get in touch for weeks sometimes months he has changed a bit now as he is now paying benifts.
but i have only started realising how much pain he has given my mother, another thing is he is 40 and he dates 25 year olds sometimes younger but he is now dating one with a kid and if he mistreats her there is a young child involved aswell.
and lately me any mother havent stopped arguing me and my big brother have big and proper fist fights sometimes i wanna get away from it all.
at school there is this lad who is 2 years older than me and he harrases me like feels me up and he brags about it to his mates and to me and he wont stop i have tried ignoring him but he always finds his way back around i have also tried telling 
a teacher too but they said that they couldnt do anything any advice?    

Martes, Hulyo 5, 2011


 Safety rules each day fun.
view of sea by: ALLEN AMPARADO
They keep you safe harm.
So here are the rules
Which can be done

Don't ever play with matches
For they could start a fire.
Keep fingers off the kitchen knife.
Don't play with plugs and wire

Never use your finger
To pick up broken glass.
Don't lave some dying embers
In piles of old,dry glass

And when you want to cross the street
Be sure to stop and wait.
then look to the left,and look to the right,

Before it is too late


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Same list sorted by color name
Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Black  #000000 Shades Mix
Navy  #000080 Shades Mix
DarkBlue  #00008B Shades Mix
MediumBlue  #0000CD Shades Mix
Blue  #0000FF Shades Mix
DarkGreen  #006400 Shades Mix
Green  #008000 Shades Mix
Teal  #008080 Shades Mix
DarkCyan  #008B8B Shades Mix
DeepSkyBlue  #00BFFF Shades Mix
DarkTurquoise  #00CED1 Shades Mix
MediumSpringGreen  #00FA9A Shades Mix
Lime  #00FF00 Shades Mix
SpringGreen  #00FF7F Shades Mix
Aqua  #00FFFF Shades Mix
Cyan  #00FFFF Shades Mix
MidnightBlue  #191970 Shades Mix
DodgerBlue  #1E90FF Shades Mix
LightSeaGreen  #20B2AA Shades Mix
ForestGreen  #228B22 Shades Mix
SeaGreen  #2E8B57 Shades Mix
DarkSlateGray  #2F4F4F Shades Mix
DarkSlateGrey  #2F4F4F Shades Mix
LimeGreen  #32CD32 Shades Mix
MediumSeaGreen  #3CB371 Shades Mix
Turquoise  #40E0D0 Shades Mix
RoyalBlue  #4169E1 Shades Mix
SteelBlue  #4682B4 Shades Mix
DarkSlateBlue  #483D8B Shades Mix
MediumTurquoise  #48D1CC Shades Mix
Indigo   #4B0082 Shades Mix
DarkOliveGreen  #556B2F Shades Mix
CadetBlue  #5F9EA0 Shades Mix
CornflowerBlue  #6495ED Shades Mix
MediumAquaMarine  #66CDAA Shades Mix
DimGray  #696969 Shades Mix
DimGrey  #696969 Shades Mix
SlateBlue  #6A5ACD Shades Mix
OliveDrab  #6B8E23 Shades Mix
SlateGray  #708090 Shades Mix
SlateGrey  #708090 Shades Mix
LightSlateGray  #778899 Shades Mix
LightSlateGrey  #778899 Shades Mix
MediumSlateBlue  #7B68EE Shades Mix
LawnGreen  #7CFC00 Shades Mix
Chartreuse  #7FFF00 Shades Mix
Aquamarine  #7FFFD4 Shades Mix
Maroon  #800000 Shades Mix
Purple  #800080 Shades Mix
Olive  #808000 Shades Mix
Gray  #808080 Shades Mix
Grey  #808080 Shades Mix
SkyBlue  #87CEEB Shades Mix
LightSkyBlue  #87CEFA Shades Mix
BlueViolet  #8A2BE2 Shades Mix
DarkRed  #8B0000 Shades Mix
DarkMagenta  #8B008B Shades Mix
SaddleBrown  #8B4513 Shades Mix
DarkSeaGreen  #8FBC8F Shades Mix
LightGreen  #90EE90 Shades Mix
MediumPurple  #9370D8 Shades Mix
DarkViolet  #9400D3 Shades Mix
PaleGreen  #98FB98 Shades Mix
DarkOrchid  #9932CC Shades Mix
YellowGreen  #9ACD32 Shades Mix
Sienna  #A0522D Shades Mix
Brown  #A52A2A Shades Mix
DarkGray  #A9A9A9 Shades Mix
DarkGrey  #A9A9A9 Shades Mix
LightBlue  #ADD8E6 Shades Mix
GreenYellow  #ADFF2F Shades Mix
PaleTurquoise  #AFEEEE Shades Mix
LightSteelBlue  #B0C4DE Shades Mix
PowderBlue  #B0E0E6 Shades Mix
FireBrick  #B22222 Shades Mix
DarkGoldenRod  #B8860B Shades Mix
MediumOrchid  #BA55D3 Shades Mix
RosyBrown  #BC8F8F Shades Mix
DarkKhaki  #BDB76B Shades Mix
Silver  #C0C0C0 Shades Mix
MediumVioletRed  #C71585 Shades Mix
IndianRed   #CD5C5C Shades Mix
Peru  #CD853F Shades Mix
Chocolate  #D2691E Shades Mix
Tan  #D2B48C Shades Mix
LightGray  #D3D3D3 Shades Mix
LightGrey  #D3D3D3 Shades Mix
PaleVioletRed  #D87093 Shades Mix
Thistle  #D8BFD8 Shades Mix
Orchid  #DA70D6 Shades Mix
GoldenRod  #DAA520 Shades Mix
Crimson  #DC143C Shades Mix
Gainsboro  #DCDCDC Shades Mix
Plum  #DDA0DD Shades Mix
BurlyWood  #DEB887 Shades Mix
LightCyan  #E0FFFF Shades Mix
Lavender  #E6E6FA Shades Mix
DarkSalmon  #E9967A Shades Mix
Violet  #EE82EE Shades Mix
PaleGoldenRod  #EEE8AA Shades Mix
LightCoral  #F08080 Shades Mix
Khaki  #F0E68C Shades Mix
AliceBlue  #F0F8FF Shades Mix
HoneyDew  #F0FFF0 Shades Mix
Azure  #F0FFFF Shades Mix
SandyBrown  #F4A460 Shades Mix
Wheat  #F5DEB3 Shades Mix
Beige  #F5F5DC Shades Mix
WhiteSmoke  #F5F5F5 Shades Mix
MintCream  #F5FFFA Shades Mix
GhostWhite  #F8F8FF Shades Mix
Salmon  #FA8072 Shades Mix
AntiqueWhite  #FAEBD7 Shades Mix
Linen  #FAF0E6 Shades Mix
LightGoldenRodYellow  #FAFAD2 Shades Mix
OldLace  #FDF5E6 Shades Mix
Red  #FF0000 Shades Mix
Fuchsia  #FF00FF Shades Mix
Magenta  #FF00FF Shades Mix
DeepPink  #FF1493 Shades Mix
OrangeRed  #FF4500 Shades Mix
Tomato  #FF6347 Shades Mix
HotPink  #FF69B4 Shades Mix
Coral  #FF7F50 Shades Mix
Darkorange  #FF8C00 Shades Mix
LightSalmon  #FFA07A Shades Mix
Orange  #FFA500 Shades Mix
LightPink  #FFB6C1 Shades Mix
Pink  #FFC0CB Shades Mix
Gold  #FFD700 Shades Mix
PeachPuff  #FFDAB9 Shades Mix
NavajoWhite  #FFDEAD Shades Mix
Moccasin  #FFE4B5 Shades Mix
Bisque  #FFE4C4 Shades Mix
MistyRose  #FFE4E1 Shades Mix
BlanchedAlmond  #FFEBCD Shades Mix
PapayaWhip  #FFEFD5 Shades Mix
LavenderBlush  #FFF0F5 Shades Mix
SeaShell  #FFF5EE Shades Mix
Cornsilk  #FFF8DC Shades Mix
LemonChiffon  #FFFACD Shades Mix
FloralWhite  #FFFAF0 Shades Mix
Snow  #FFFAFA Shades Mix
Yellow  #FFFF00 Shades Mix
LightYellow  #FFFFE0 Shades Mix
Ivory  #FFFFF0 Shades Mix
White  #FFFFFF

Sabado, Hulyo 2, 2011


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I'm Allen Amparado 24 years old of ages,I live in Culasi Roxas City.I'm EGELLOC STNEDUTS Allen Amparado    and my course is BACHELOR COMPUTER SCIENCE LADERIZED in Hercor I'm on second year of this course. My parent are Lourdes Amparado and Bonifacio Amparado.   I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters ,I am the oldest among them when i was 14 years old my mother dead.
                                                                                                                                                              Since my mother gone,my father change,he treat us like other people not his children that is the worst happen to my family. And I say to my self that i will be strong to faced the challenge that GOD'S give's to my family. 
                                                                                                                                                                             I struggle to finish my study afterward,finish my high school. I find a job so that i can support my self to continue my college and  after few weak found i  job in the fishing boat i suffered almost 4 years in my work to continue study and now this last year of my course. My ambition to my life is so simple I want to help my brother and sister to continue their study.......

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. 

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen.
Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you ................
That's the story of Life.